Friday, July 22, 2011

What to do in the Month of July?

Well, if you’re me …

You go to concerts on rooftops and in stadiums to see fireworks. My very musically versed sister invited us to a concert in downtown Provo – an outdoor concert is one of my favorite things, and this one was quite nice. The next night, we attended the Stadium of Fire. It was patriotic and full of fire and works. Our first night of getting together was right outside the Stadium of Fire, watching the show two years ago. We’ve come a long way.

You celebrate babies and freedom. We welcomed a new niece to the family – Maya Kate – and joined her sisters along the Ogden parade route for the 4th of July festivities.

You realize Harry Potter is not such a bad dude after all. I finally gave in and agreed to read the Harry Potter series with Tyler. Turns out it’s not so bad after all. I’m quite enjoying Ms. Hermione and the twin Weesleys.

You go to Real Salt Lake soccer games and try arena football on for size. We've decided that Real Salt Lake is currently our favorite team to watch. The stadium is awesome and the games are exciting.

You stress at work and the event ends up on TV. The governor was here. The mayor was here. About 700 others were here and 500 more watched online. After months of planning, the ground is finally broken and the fancy spoon shovels have had their day in the sun. In about two years there’ll be an $85 million dollar building on the site. Thank goodness I’ve got some time to recoup.

Then, you plan a trip just for two. I can hardly sit still. We’re headed to Moab in mere hours for a day on the river, a few nights in a tent (hardly roughing it when the grounds boast showers and a swimming pool) and some mountain biking too. I’m so excited.

July, all-in-all I’ve enjoyed you. Thanks for sun and lightning and good times.

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