Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Baby Fitness Post

I realized the other day that this blog is called “Running Funny” and rarely do I actually discuss running. The blog isn’t meant to be solely based on exercise, rather my intent is to 1) document our lives, 2) write because I love it, and 3) show that even though some of us do things differently – we’re all doing our best.

Today, though, I thought I would provide a little bit of insight into what I’ve done to stay fit during and after pregnancy. We are going back to the roots of the blog, if you will.

Pregnancy Fitness
During pregnancy exercise was a bit simpler. In general, I woke up at 6:15 a.m. four days a week for some form of exercise. I have access to a bike and elliptical at the clubhouse in my condo complex, so I generally chose one of those. When the pool opened, I swam. This was my favorite! As I swam, my aches would leave, weight was not a problem, and I felt fantastic. I swam for the last time on a Thursday, and by Tuesday Nixon was here. I made it to my goal of exercising the entire pregnancy!

As far as nutrition goes, a pregnant woman needs only 100 extra calories the first trimester and 300 extra in the second and third. Basically, I ate an extra snack a day. I tried to make sure I got enough protein with snacks like cheese and crackers, peanut butter on toast, etc. I ate a lot of salads – for some reason they tasted so good to me while I was pregnant! I also made sure to take a folic acid supplement.

Following Birth Routine
The sun has therapeutic properties and I knew that both Nixon and I could benefit from these in the weeks following his birth. We took a daily walk each morning beginning after his two week doctor’s appointment. I walked gingerly, slowly, but I went. At six weeks old, I began starting each morning with a 2-3 mile jog. In general Nixon would fall asleep by the end of these. When the weather turned cold and my pelvic did not improve, I had to modify. Two days a week I bundle Nixon up and we go out for a quick jog. On other days I hit the gym at 6:15 a.m. before Tyler leaves for work or I do P90X. For weights, I lift my son. He weighs 20 lbs. That’ll do. I feel fit and enjoy starting each day right.

A nursing woman should eat 500 extra calories a day! I am pretty much always starving, so that 500 extra isn’t a problem. However, eating the right foods can be difficult. I knew when I quit working I’d need to have more self control with a pantry attached to my office. I generally don’t buy sweets to help with the temptation. I’ve stocked up on nuts, fruit, etc. and eat as much of those as I fancy. When I need a treat, I eat a handful of marshmallows (don’t judge) or I’ll airpop popcorn and add just a bit of butter and salt. Nixon hasn’t been able to handle me consuming chocolate, which has really helped a lot.

Since giving birth to Nixon I have lost approximately 70 lbs. I was worried. I didn’t understand why I was gaining so much weight! No matter how healthy or how much a person exercises, I’ve learned that some people just gain a whole lot during pregnancy or they have underlying issues, like my preeclampsia. If I'd known that, I probably would've eaten more ice cream!

I still have a few areas I wish I could target better, but for the most part I feel really great now. That’s the important part, right? Exercise and not going along with the “eating for two” mentality helped me tremendously both mentally and physically during and after pregnancy. Next time around my goal will remain the same – stay fit the whole way through. I'm a believer!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I'm going to make it a goal to send out more than 12 Christmas cards in 2013, but this year if you're not a grandparent or the like you most likely didn't get anything in the mail from us. But we still love you! This year has been one of the best yet for both Tyler and me. We are so glad to have such amazing family and friends all around us. We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and the best year yet in 2013.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tradition Like Tevye

My husband says not to worry. Traditions come, they happen, they don’t need creating. But I think maybe creating must happen just a bit. I want to be our own family, have our own set of “things we do every year since I can remember.” But how to start? And when to start? When Nixon can remember them? Now, so we say – “you’ve done this every year since you were born!”? Or in a few years when he cares?

Tyler and I have a tradition to open all our Christmas presents one night a few days early because Christmas day is a busy one with both our families close by. I don’t think this tradition will last once Santa makes his debut. That’s about us in the tradition department. Oh, man.

I look back on my growing up years and a few things stick out to me most. Sleeping under the Christmas tree with my sisters and listening to the song, “Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer” on my radio alarm clock – I think that’s when I knew… Acting out the Nativity while my dad read. I always hear his voice when I read those verses. Hunting for our Easter baskets cleverly hidden in the oven, the piano or somewhere like it. Camping at Bear Lake, where I discovered beauty and raspberry shakes. So many good times.

Will we have that? I guess more than anything I’m excited. What will they be? What will Nixon (and other children, maybe…) remember? I hope it turns out magical. I really do. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Nixon is frustrated. He wants to do a lot of things that he just can’t. He can’t crawl no matter how hard he tries. He can’t roll front to back and he certainly can’t stay happy past 8 p.m. I wish I could help him, but I’m no use. He has to learn.

I am frustrated with my body as well. Frustrated that it can’t do what it used to do. Like stand on one leg to put pants on or push or carry heavy things. Like sprint or bounce my baby long without searing pain. My pelvic is broken (not really, just undone). My tailbone is broken (yes, really). I feel broken. I limit myself to a short run twice a week, because anymore than that is just painful and any less is mentally too rough.

I so looked forward to the end of pregnancy and the ability to have no worry about hurting the child inside with activity. Although I exercised until three days before Nixon was born, I went light. I was hesitant. I went for a long bike ride the day before I miscarried a baby. Hesitation tends to result.

And now. Now my mind feels like it’s time to break free. I want to do so many things. I really feel I could run for hours. But I can’t. The doctor says maybe some day. Physical therapy first, then injections, then we’ll see. I have never been so thwarted.

Nixon and me. We’re in the same boat. Frustrated. He because he is learning and it’s hard being a little guy. Me because I thought I knew, and I’m dealing with the unexpected. It’s never been my strongest trait. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Teaching Moment

Five months. What a trip. When we first brought Nixon home, I was pretty scared. I’ve cared for many babies, but every other time I got to give them back. And these babies weren’t counting on me to teach them anything. This one is.

I realize Nixon’s not so old and how many things can I really teach him? But there is so much he’s learning. Like sleeping. Somehow three weeks ago he decided he needs a big meal around 5:30 a.m. if he was to continue sleeping. I’m not sure how to teach him otherwise.

And lately he’s been rolling over a lot. Back to front, back to front. He has a few issues with this. One, he usually has a toy in his hand and can’t get his one arm out from underneath him. Two, when he gets to his stomach, he’s convinced he should either roll back or crawl, but doesn’t know how to do either. So what do I do? Let him get super frustrated until he learns? Or help him back to a more suitable position? Heck if I know.

I want to make sure he sees, loves and is grateful for the world around him. I want him to be happy and secure. I want him to grow and learn. And for now, I just want him to be a baby whose favorite thing in the world is hanging out with his mom and dad.

I love this little guy. He laughs at my jokes, loves it when I sing and has the cutest voice when he talks. Oh and don’t get me started on how perfect he and Tyler are together. That kid got the best dad ever. I hope together we can teach him everything he needs to know. At this point, he’s still alive with no lasting injury – I’d say we mark the first five down as a success.