Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Not So Blues

December was lovely. But after the holidays... After all the family has gone away, the alarm clock has been reinstated, the running has been resurrected. After the head/chest cold combo that had me leveled and still has me coughing. What then?

A winter girl I am not. It gets me down. Too dark. Too cold. Too icy to run free in the road. But I really do try to fight it, because I’d rather not be down (not really a good color on me). So I have gone into high action mode in the brain. I am thinking and re-thinking all the totally sweet and awesome things I can do to make it until the 80s (in Fahrenheit, not fashion sense to be sure).

Now, the trick of tricks is working around a schedule where I see that man of mine only one night during the week before 10 p.m. That will just have to mean that the weekends will be phenomenal. Another task to overcome might be our cash flow diet. If you know of free, you just chime in. We won’t let anything (cheap) stop us though. We have a winter to conquer and a lot more fun to have. I don’t want to waste a minute.

My plans are not all fun and games. Maybe it’s the New Year that’s got me feeling the need to purge and purify. Whatever it is, I’m feeling it. Like last night, I spent two hours with rag and bucket. Baseboards. Need I say more? We’re going deep. It’s a bit cold, but I’m thinking of tidying up in the garage and storage shed in the next two weeks. On the inside, we’re going to sift through clothing and donate the remnants to the local D.I. 

Not all, but most, will be fun. And games. We are going to a free art exhibit. Experience something new. I have fun doing anything with
Tyler, so we might as well throw some culture in. We are going snowboarding. Tyler will snowboard backwards so at least there’s some sort of a challenge. I will try not to snowboard on my face. We will throw some exercise in at home or in the club house. V-day weekend we are hitting the road to St. George with our good friends Beth and Ryan. I can hardly wait.

And the list continues. We are going to take my nephews to the dinosaur museum. We are going to do a 500 piece puzzle. We are going to play every game in the closet – and I have high hopes of winning one. We are going to get 2-for-1 massages. We are going to celebrate our Anniversary –
Tyler’s on top of that. We are going to watch Despicable Me – I’ve heard good things. We are going to make personal pizzas. (Ummmm … Tyler doesn’t know most of these things – excited yet, babe?!)

Anyway, there's a lot more, but, you don’t need all the details. It’s just going to be great. Until May. When life and the weather get a little brighter. Thank goodness.


  1. Don't donate anything that might fit me!


  2. 500? I have a new 2000 piece puzzle I need to start . . . or several 1000 piece ones. . . maybe we should be puzzle buddies! ;)
