Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Running Funny?

Some people have asked me why I named my blog what I did. Running Funny. I can explain. It’s got a little bit to do with the fact that I like to run, and I talk about it sometimes. But mostly it’s because, well, you see – I run funny.  I really do. One time I went to a physical therapist, and he stood behind me to watch me run. And he just kept saying, “hmmmm, whoa, hmmmm, whoa.” Then he called some other trainers over and they all hmmmed and whoa’d together. This was not a “hey, honey” hmmmm whoa either. It was a “well, what the heck, I didn’t think legs could do that.” Just call me a modern miracle, gentlemen.

But I have a really good dad who’s a really good runner, and I wanted to run with him. In high school I started running in the dark in the backyard so no one could see. Then it was a few blocks in the early morning before my dad went for his long run. Then it turned into more blocks, and more great conversations and “exploration” runs than my dad or I can count. We’ve done two half marathons together, (along with my hardcore sister, Janna) and when my knees started hurting (I DO run funny…) - I took up triathlons.

I stopped hiding in the backyard. I stopped caring (let’s be honest, I stopped caring MOSTLY) what people said or how they looked at me when I ran. I just started running. I love it: I would even say I need it. There’s no better way to clear your head.

As I’ve grown up, I’ve realized a few things. One is that you should do what you love, no matter how you look. I do a lot of things differently from most people. What is normal anyway? But no matter how many times I second guess myself or how many times I think I’ve looked stupid or said something embarrassing, I always try to remember that life is for loving, yourself included. And I keep on running.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Adrian for posting this today! I needed to hear it. I need to find what I love to do. Thanks for sharing your story...and why your blog is named as it is...
