Monday, August 13, 2012

The End and The Beginning

I quit my job and lost the ability to breath. For a moment.

I thought I had decided a very long time ago that stay at home mom was the gig for me. I wanted some time to make sure, so I told work I'd let them know as soon as I knew. And that's how it stood.

Three days after Nixon was born I was ready to go back to work. I was ready for the schedule, the routine, the interesting people and conversations and the fun projects. I searched for a way to make it work, even at one point asking Tyler if he felt ok with quitting his job and staying home instead.  I struggled with the 24/7 beckoning of an infant I didn't know and who I didn't feel knew me.

But I knew what, for me, was right. My baby somehow needs me and I need him. The phone call was made, the tears were shed, the fear set in. Very soon I will no longer have a job for the first time since I started babysitting consistently at age 11. Can I do this?

Interesting to me, as soon as I let go of that life, something new set in. Love. I love this baby. Whatever part of me I feel like I've lost, there's something new and different setting in. I'm becoming a mom. I still don't know what that means for me completely. I know my “to do” list has shortened substantially and some days I look back on my day and can’t for the life of me account for what I accomplished, besides keeping a child fed and clean. But I know this new life fits. However it changes me, it's who I'm meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post! It was hard for me after 15 years at my job to stay home, even harder to not be contributing to our finances. But I would not change one bit of it. So happy for you and Tyler on this adventure.
