Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today's His Day

Today’s a big day for Tyler. He turns 25. I would like to say he’s old, but I’ve got a year on him so we won’t go there.

I’ve been planning for weeks on how to make his birthday something incredible. I won’t tell you what’s in the works, because he might read this, but I’m crossing my fingers this one’s a good one. He deserves it.

Tyler Gibb is an incredible guy – the best person in every way for me.

He is talented. And he’s not just talented at your average guy things – although he is at those too. He’s one of the best at snowboarding, soccer playing, triathlons, slacklining, you name the sport or game and he will beat me and probably you too. He can also crochet. He made me a pearl necklace and earrings for Christmas. He gives a mean backrub. And he can cook like a champ. He’s got skills.

He is smart, but more than that. For example, in his last year of his undergrad in marketing we started to date. A few months in, he decided to try and go on for a master’s degree in finance. At that point, I honestly didn’t believe that a year later he’d be in his last semester of grad school. I obviously didn’t know Tyler well enough then. He is not the most book smart in his class. He’s smart, but more than anything he works so dang hard. I would hire him any day. Anybody hiring?

He is good. I know that sounds odd, of course he is good. But you don’t understand. He is genuinely good inside and is always trying to be better. Perhaps even more than the fact that he tries to live a good life and he has a very strong testimony in God and in an eternal plan, is the fact that he but encourages the same attributes in me. I love that.

Ok, Ok, this is a long post and I don’t want to embarrass him too bad. I just love him and I hope his 25th is one of the best.

Oh, and did I mention he’s got dang nice abs and a killer smile?

Happy Birthday, Ty!


  1. You are way too nice to me. I love you so much. Today is going to be the best day ever, you always do awesome things for birthdays (I'll just pretend I don't have to go to school all day today). Thanks for everything you do for me.

  2. Happy Birthday Tyler! I hope his day goes super well!
