Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time to Ride

I realize there’s been a lot of sap on the blog lately. I’m not such a sap person, but it’s just that time of year I guess. Back to none sap for a little while, I promise.

Tyler is almost a graduate (again)! And for his graduation, I thought it would be cool if he got a legit road bike. We bought him a hand-me-down last year on the cheap, but it’s a bit too small and doesn’t have a lot of torque or whatever it is. With road bikes, lightness is a big factor and his is too dense.

So yes, this was my idea. Buy him a totally amazing bike that would be the talk of the neighborhood. But Tyler wasn’t having any of it. We went to the bike shop. I almost had him convinced. And then, somehow he devised a plan to get two bikes for less than the one I had chosen for him. “That way,” he said. “We can both get a new bike! I like that better. It’s fair.”

I fought this. I didn’t really need a new bike. Mine is the same as his, a hand-me-down, on the cheap sort of thing. But, I don’t need to go fast. I don’t even like to go fast. And this is him graduating, not me. And…

I lost the debate. Two new bikes. They are totally sweet and awesome, as promised. I hide it, but the truth is I’m really excited. The coolest part is, because we have friends in high places (i.e. the manager of the bike shop), I sold my old bike for just $30 less than the new one. New bike. $30. Matching bikes. Cool husband. So cute.

Any ideas on a new graduation gift? I’m fresh out. 

1 comment:

  1. That's an awesome deal!!!! We just bought Tim some new suits. They seem graduation ish. We got incredible deals at JC Penny
