Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tradition Like Tevye

My husband says not to worry. Traditions come, they happen, they don’t need creating. But I think maybe creating must happen just a bit. I want to be our own family, have our own set of “things we do every year since I can remember.” But how to start? And when to start? When Nixon can remember them? Now, so we say – “you’ve done this every year since you were born!”? Or in a few years when he cares?

Tyler and I have a tradition to open all our Christmas presents one night a few days early because Christmas day is a busy one with both our families close by. I don’t think this tradition will last once Santa makes his debut. That’s about us in the tradition department. Oh, man.

I look back on my growing up years and a few things stick out to me most. Sleeping under the Christmas tree with my sisters and listening to the song, “Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer” on my radio alarm clock – I think that’s when I knew… Acting out the Nativity while my dad read. I always hear his voice when I read those verses. Hunting for our Easter baskets cleverly hidden in the oven, the piano or somewhere like it. Camping at Bear Lake, where I discovered beauty and raspberry shakes. So many good times.

Will we have that? I guess more than anything I’m excited. What will they be? What will Nixon (and other children, maybe…) remember? I hope it turns out magical. I really do. 

1 comment:

  1. My friend just posted this on her blog
    I loved it! Cause it focuses on the savior and makes traditions of the small things like hot chocolate and the christmas devotional.
