Friday, September 10, 2010

There was something so clean about the air today – you can feel fall. Like clean sheets and crunchy leaves. For me, fall is the most wonderful time of the year (no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving or I’d be singing the song). I don’t like the cold, but if I get fall first I can handle it.

I took one of my favorite routes on my run this morning. Next to barns and the open fields with the mountains standing incomparably taller than everything else. Things come to perspective when you realize how small those cars, houses, people, and things are standing next to what matters – like the mountains.  

I was fast as lighting. No. I was like nine minutes-per-mile fast, but that’s pretty close. To me running can be a spiritual experience. For the first mile, I’m emptying my head of all the worries. The second and beyond, often it’s just me and God. I tell Him He did a really good job with the landscaping. I tell Him I’m glad He went to all the effort. Sometimes I tell Him I’m grateful for everything I have, and I’m sorry I don’t tell Him that more often. And sometimes, I tell Him about the things that are bringing me down. Usually, those things don’t seem to matter much when I’m done.

It never fails that after a run I feel so much better about life and my place in it. It’s so worth it.
This morning, I was trying to count all the miracles that have happened to me in life. I named three big ones just in the past year. I’ve been really blessed. I got home feeling light and clean as the air.


  1. Beautiful--the fall feel, Christmas music after Thanksgiving, and the description of your personal communion with Heavenly Father. I just love you :)

  2. P.S. "Sweater weather" always reminds me of you!
