I signed up for my first triathlon last year just two days after the whole “breaking up with the first love” experience as something to replace those dismal days that came along with it. It's true what they say about not making big decisions during ultra emotional periods of life. But I’m so glad I did. I’ll take sweat over tears any day. Not that it took away the pain, it just retrained my focus.
I’ve continued because I still need that release. This life is not an easy one, but when I cross that finish line, I know I can overcome it. I know that I can destroy my demons, I can overcome myself – I can do whatever it is I’m asked to do in this life. It may sound like I’m being a little dramatic, but all I’m saying is conquering the mind is imperative in order to accomplish the triathlon, just as it is in the daily routine.
God is a big part of my life, and my ability to overcome the trials of the day comes from Him. As odd as it may sound, He’s close by on every run, every bike, every swim, every race. I have learned more about His love and my love for Him through those races I thought I couldn’t finish and those trials I thought weren’t fair. He’s there.
So maybe I’m slow. Everybody does this life differently; every racer has a different pace. Honestly, I’m competing against only me (unless the girl in front of me is wearing a thong or the guy is 65 – TOAST.) I’m just so grateful to be healthy, to be loved, and to know that, at the end of the day, it works out. Thank goodness.
Awesome! I'm so glad you made it through it! :-)