Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Anything-but-Relaxing Memorial Day

I would like a re-do of Memorial Day weekend. Actually, I wouldn’t take anything we did back, I’d just add three more days, and good weather ones at that. Those days I’d use to relax and rest after a busy, busy few days of:
    My nephews - such boys, so great.

  • Attending the Hill Air Force Base air show – cold and rainy, but fun to see the planes overhead and feel a sense of patriotism with my nephews in tow.
  • Celebrating my sister’s birthday with lunch and fun with the kids. Mostly we just ate and talked for a few hours. Worth the three hours of driving we did to get to that point.
  • Blessing a new baby – Tyler’s older brother blessed their second son. Family came to town and it was great to see everyone. The day was dampened by rain, but nice just the same. I tried to sleep after the festivities were over, but failed. I think I have a sleeping problem.
  • Playing tennis, then golfing nine holes, then enjoying a family barbeque and a Heat game and late night Walmart run to finish the night.
  • Making three desserts for the events above and doing who knows how many dishes.
  • Realizing I have bronchitis. I’ve had bronchitis way too many times in my life. It’s definitely not welcome.
Man, I look so happy in this picture. I really do like to golf, I promise.

I slept little last night on account of the pelvic bones saying I’ve done too much. I promised to never do it again. Probably I lied. I am exhausted, but actually kind of proud of my body for all that it has accomplished. Tonight, I rest. All in the name of a three-day weekend, right?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Almost a Mom

Tyler took me flower shopping for Mother’s Day so I could fill the pots on our patio. We had a really great day together. I can’t wait to be a mom and our kids are so lucky to have him as their dad. It’s getting close and exciting.

They Call it Nesting

I have a sewing machine. Up to this point in my life I have been totally ungrateful about that fact. To my recollection I’ve used it twice. Until now.
Amidst the fabric purchases, new needles, thread and incredible left-handed sewing scissors (Finally something for my side of the world!), Tyler has been left to wonder outloud “why this sudden obsession with craftiness?” He’s not complaining at all, in fact I think he oddly likes this side of me. Just amused and maybe slightly confused. Me too, to be honest.

One day I decided I wanted to make a crib skirt (not that we have a crib yet…). I found some dang cute fabric at Hobby Lobby and after much discussion with the helpers at the fabric counter and a “simple” pattern, I was on my way. One full day of sewing and a half day of unpicking later, we had the “coolest” crib skirt ever. It is so darn cute!

Then I made a skirt (my waist had to be measured and re-measured for this one because I was sure there was some mistake – no wonder my hips feel broken!). And another. I own a double needle now and elastic thread, which I never even knew existed. I spent my fun money on fabric, and I was ok with that. What’s happening to me?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Third Trimester and All is Well

I gained 30 lbs. 

I looked at the scale and looked again, until I had Tyler hide it. I have been within 10 pounds since junior high. And now, I’m just not. I had a few panic moments in my realization that I will never be or look the same. Regardless of the awesomeness of the reward – that fact is a little startling. Then I had a talking to by not one, but all three of my very right sisters. Just roll with it and be happy. There’s growing going on.

Taking their advice brought relief. They're smart, it seems.

Beyond the weight gain, I am really pretty stoked about how this pregnancy thing is going [today]. Granted there are a few things I wish I could do, but can’t:
  • I wish I’d gone sky diving before.
  • I wish I could run fast and long. The spring is perfect for it. It’s race season.
  • I wish I could sleep through the night and sit comfortably somehow, anyhow.

But there are a lot of things I can do.
  • I can watch my stomach make waves of its own as our cool baby kicks and rocks and rolls. It’s my favorite pastime.
  • I can still exercise four mornings a week and make it to the 7th floor by stairs.
  • I can clean – I’m in deep cleaning mode, but get ultra tired, so I stick with one task a day, like vacuum couch Tuesday, wash baseboards Wednesday, wash light fixtures Thursday. I’ll get there.
  • I can eat a balanced diet, and I generally don’t get sick. When I do get a little green, a $1 slurpee refill fixes that.
  • I can work hard and have fun with Ty.

With the change to May, I feel like the end of pregnancy and the beginning of a new life is much closer. At times I’ve wished to hurry things along, now I’m alright to have it stay this way until July. I think soon I’ll ask for slow motion. You’re only pregnant with your first baby just the one time, and I’m assuming the others are a little harder to focus on. I feel pretty blessed, today. It’s becoming real.