God works miracles. And sometimes it takes a trip down a river and a good look around to understand that. I like recognizing him that way – because more often that recognition comes in the form of “humility” experiences like a broken heart. I have that – it is awesome. The world is so beautiful. When I’m outside – away from the cubicle and life, I just feel so good. Because the world is good. Even when some of the experiences aren’t.
Adventure. I love trying new things. I love learning and growing and pushing myself. It just makes me feel excellent. I need those moments of sitting still and watching a good movie (my present activity), but sometimes I just want to get out and accomplish things. It’s good for you.
Friends. Spending time with people I care about and new people who I can learn from – this might be the best part of all. I like it when people laugh. I like those people who make you feel better
That’s not all I loved, but that’s the gist of it. I’m so fortunate to have moments like Moab. I loved it!